Scatter Chart Tools & Downloads


Many of these are "stand alone" basic versions of the scripts built into ScatterChart.
Hope you find them useful & both easy / fun to use!

Free Calculator Tools

Percentage Calculator Bulk calculate percentage data (includes a free script download)
Statistical Calculator Bulk calculate statistics (includes a free script download)
Statistical Calculator (Marks) Bulk calculate the stats on your marks data
Statistical Calculator (Grades) Bulk calculate the stats on your grade data (A+ to E-)
Space Calculator .exe This little freeware application from 3 Pounds Press is an excellent & fun calculator. It no longer seems to be available for download anywhere, so by request from some of my students, I've added it here! It performs basic calculations and a wide range of conversions. (1.2Mb Zip file)
Box and Whisker Plot Spreadsheet This little excel spreadsheet is a useful statistical tool (100KB .xls file). Great for calculating quartiles!

Free Script Downloads from ScatterChart

Percentage Calculator This PERL script is available for download
Statistical Calculator This PERL script is available for download

Free Excel Markbook

Excel Markbook 2007 (40Kb) V 1.2
V 1.3 with conditional formatting
V 1.4 with minor formatting improvements, bugfix for adding comments & direct edit links.
Allow grade calculations (using percentages) where each assessment task has a certain weighting of the total grade. The perfect companion to the ScatterChart Website. Calculates percentages, grades, median, mean & weighted rankings. Can automatically upload data to ScatterChart.
Excel Markbook 97-2003 (100kb) As above but in a format compatable with earlier versions of Excel.

Page Last Updated January 2022